Welcome to Helps Counsellors

Welcome to Helps Counsellors

HELPS Counsellors which is based in the London Borough of Bexley, England, is for everyone aspiring to have an enjoyable love life whether single, married, widowed, separated or divorced.

We welcome all to our activities despite being a faith based (Christian) Charity. Our activities which focus on black minority ethnic (BME) communities with the goals of promoting family wellbeing and wellness include:

  • Hosting programmes to promote: Enjoyable Love Relationships
  • Encouraging: Pleasurable Family Life & Positive Parenting
  • Linking/signposting to: Wellbeing/Wellness programmes
  • Promoting: Mental Health wellbeing
  • Supporting: Young People to become responsible individuals

We draw on professional and cultural experiences and knowledge in working with the community to explore culturally sensitive issues of family wellbeing and wellness, so that people would be enlightened and freed from wrongly pre-conceived opinions and fallacies.