The word of God makes it clear that it is wisdom to watch and pray! It is important for lovers to be on the lookout for certain things that can be cancerous in their love life. Below is an excerpt from an article titled “Signs Your Marriage is in Trouble” from We were blessed reading it and we pray it will be a blessing to you too, amen. Here are some warning signs you must watch out for: 1. They experience ongoing conflict...
Read MoreMarriage is glorious, but the single life dedicated to God, for as many as are so-called, is equally glorious. The word of God makes it clear that an individual can be so gifted by God to remain unmarried, we rejoice with you if you have been so gifted. For instance the Bible says: 1 Corinthians 7:7-9 7 I wish that all men were as I am. But each man has his own gift from God; one has this gift, another has that. 8 Now to the unmarried...
Read MoreReading through the word of God, it is clear that God places a high premium on marriage. That should be so because we can observe that all of life – Church, Ministry, Nation, and what have you depends on it. God therefore instituted it at the right time – in the beginning! It then means that marriage should not be handled lightly. It should not be entered into just because peers are doing so. The early disciples got the...
Read MoreFriends, each spouse is expected to keep to the marriage covenant faithfully. We read of a man in the Bible who had a perfect understanding of what covenant means. The man in question adhered strictly to the covenant he entered into, at the expense of his father’s favour, and surprisingly at the expense of the throne to which he was an heir-apparent. Jonathan’s first encounter with David was after the slaughter of Goliath...
Read MoreCONTRARY to the lies of Satan and the perversion his agents have brought into marriage institution, marriage remains a glorious, Godly and holy establishment – Hallelujah! Our prayer is that every child of God that is yet single whom God has ordained to enter into this glorious estate will not fall short of the purpose of God, Amen! No one has any reasonable or unreasonable point to have a negative attitude about marriage;...
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